CLI reference

Command line arguments for the operator binary

Note this document is automatically generated from the cmd/operator/main.go file and shouldn’t be edited directly.

Usage of ./operator:
  -alertmanager-config-namespaces value
    	Namespaces where AlertmanagerConfig custom resources and corresponding Secrets are watched/created. If set this takes precedence over --namespaces or --deny-namespaces for AlertmanagerConfig custom resources.
  -alertmanager-default-base-image string
    	Alertmanager default base image (path without tag/version) (default "")
  -alertmanager-instance-namespaces value
    	Namespaces where Alertmanager custom resources and corresponding StatefulSets are watched/created. If set this takes precedence over --namespaces or --deny-namespaces for Alertmanager custom resources.
  -alertmanager-instance-selector value
    	Label selector to filter Alertmanager Custom Resources to watch.
  -annotations value
    	Annotations to be add to all resources created by the operator
  -apiserver string
    	API Server addr, e.g. ' - NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION -'. Omit parameter to run in on-cluster mode and utilize the service account token.
  -as string
    	Username to impersonate. User could be a regular user or a service account in a namespace.
  -auto-gomemlimit-ratio float
    	The ratio of reserved GOMEMLIMIT memory to the detected maximum container or system memory. The value should be greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0. Default: 0.0 (disabled).
  -ca-file string
  -cert-file string
    	 - NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION - Path to public TLS certificate file.
  -cluster-domain string
    	The domain of the cluster. This is used to generate service FQDNs. If this is not specified, DNS search domain expansion is used instead.
  -config-reloader-cpu-limit value
    	Config Reloader CPU limits. Value "0" disables it and causes no limit to be configured. (default 10m)
  -config-reloader-cpu-request value
    	Config Reloader CPU requests. Value "0" disables it and causes no request to be configured. (default 10m)
  -config-reloader-memory-limit value
    	Config Reloader memory limits. Value "0" disables it and causes no limit to be configured. (default 50Mi)
  -config-reloader-memory-request value
    	Config Reloader memory requests. Value "0" disables it and causes no request to be configured. (default 50Mi)
    	Value used by the operator to filter Alertmanager, Prometheus, PrometheusAgent and ThanosRuler objects that it should reconcile. If the value isn't empty, the operator only reconciles objects with an annotation of the same value. Otherwise the operator reconciles all objects without the annotation or with an empty annotation value.
  -deny-namespaces value
    	Namespaces not to scope the interaction of the Prometheus Operator (deny list). This is mutually exclusive with --namespaces.
    	Enable liveness and readiness for the config-reloader container. Default: false
  -feature-gates value
    	Feature gates are a set of key=value pairs that describe Prometheus-Operator features.
    	Available feature gates:
    	  PrometheusAgentDaemonSet: Enables the DaemonSet mode for PrometheusAgent (enabled: false)
  -key-file string
    	- NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION - Path to private TLS certificate file.
    	Create Endpoints objects for kubelet targets. (default true)
    	Create EndpointSlice objects for kubelet targets.
  -kubelet-node-address-priority value
    	Node address priority used by kubelet. Either 'internal' or 'external'. Default: 'internal'.
  -kubelet-selector value
    	Label selector to filter nodes.
  -kubelet-service string
    	Service/Endpoints object to write kubelets into in format "namespace/name"
  -labels value
    	Labels to be add to all resources created by the operator
  -localhost string
    	EXPERIMENTAL (could be removed in future releases) - Host used to communicate between local services on a pod. Fixes issues where localhost resolves incorrectly. (default "localhost")
  -log-format string
    	Log format to use. Possible values: logfmt, json (default "logfmt")
  -log-level string
    	Log level to use. Possible values: all, debug, info, warn, error, none (default "info")
  -namespaces value
    	Namespaces to scope the interaction of the Prometheus Operator and the apiserver (allow list). This is mutually exclusive with --deny-namespaces.
  -prometheus-config-reloader string
    	Prometheus config reloader image (default "")
  -prometheus-default-base-image string
    	Prometheus default base image (path without tag/version) (default "")
  -prometheus-instance-namespaces value
    	Namespaces where Prometheus and PrometheusAgent custom resources and corresponding Secrets, Configmaps and StatefulSets are watched/created. If set this takes precedence over --namespaces or --deny-namespaces for Prometheus custom resources.
  -prometheus-instance-selector value
    	Label selector to filter Prometheus and PrometheusAgent Custom Resources to watch.
  -secret-field-selector value
    	Field selector to filter Secrets to watch
  -secret-label-selector value
    	Label selector to filter Secrets to watch
    	Print just the version number.
  -thanos-default-base-image string
    	Thanos default base image (path without tag/version) (default "")
  -thanos-ruler-instance-namespaces value
    	Namespaces where ThanosRuler custom resources and corresponding StatefulSets are watched/created. If set this takes precedence over --namespaces or --deny-namespaces for ThanosRuler custom resources.
  -thanos-ruler-instance-selector value
    	Label selector to filter ThanosRuler Custom Resources to watch.
    	- NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION - Don't verify API server's CA certificate.
    	Prints current version.
  -web.cert-file string
    	Certficate file to be used for the web server. (default "/etc/tls/private/tls.crt")
  -web.client-ca-file string
    	Client CA certificate file to be used for the web server. (default "/etc/tls/private/tls-ca.crt")
    	Enable HTTP2 connections.
    	Enable TLS for the web server.
  -web.key-file string
    	Private key matching the cert file to be used for the web server. (default "/etc/tls/private/tls.key")
  -web.listen-address string
    	Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. (default ":8080")
  -web.tls-cipher-suites value
    	Comma-separated list of cipher suites for the server. Values are from tls package constants ( omitted, the default Go cipher suites will be used. Note that TLS 1.3 ciphersuites are not configurable.
  -web.tls-min-version string
    	Minimum TLS version supported. Value must match version names from (default "VersionTLS13")
  -web.tls-reload-interval duration
    	The interval at which to watch for TLS certificate changes, by default set to 1 minute. (default 1m0s). (default 1m0s)